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The DWC Isolational III (Core 21 Release Weekend STANDARD) - OVER $500 USD CASH PRIZE POOL) - tournament brand image

The DWC Isolational III (Core 21 Release Weekend STANDARD) - OVER $500 USD CASH PRIZE POOL)

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: The Disorganized Wizards Club

Tournament Type: MTG Arena

The DWC Isolational, The DWC Organizational, and The DWC "Take Our Money" Series are the tournament series put on by The Disorganized Wizards Club Podcast.

Free to Play | Twitch Subscription Required | Format: Standard | Ended | 33 of 256 Enrolled Players

Have you subscribed to our Twitch channel yet? -> If you're already a subscriber make sure you add your Twitch account in "Settings"->"Social Media". Questions about the event? Hit us up in Discord or on Twitter.

The DWC Isolational III


  • A subscription to our Twitch is all that's required to register.
  • Alternatively, any members of our Patreon who have been supporting us for one month or more, as well as all Wizard and Archmage patrons may enter without a Twitch subscription. Please message a member of the DWC in our Discord to be added to the event.

Tournament Structure

  • Format: Standard, Best of 3
  • Open decklists
  • Swiss + Top 8
  • MTG Arena direct challenge, "TOURNAMENT MATCH" challenge option
  • Top 8 will use modified play/draw rules. The player with the higher standing after swiss rounds will be given the choice to play or draw. Players will communicate this choice with their opponent, then play a "TOURNAMENT MATCH" direct challenge where the player who wins the coin toss makes the appropriate selection.


  • 1st: $141 USD
  • 2nd: $80 USD
  • 3-4th: $60 USD
  • 5-8th: $40 USD
  • Prizes will be distributed via PayPal


  • Registration closes 10 minutes before the event begins.
  • Round 1 begins at NOON.
  • Players must check in before the start of the event or they will be dropped.
  • Number of swiss rounds will be based on number of players, announcement to be made prior to the start of round 1.


  • Coverage will be streamed over on our Twitch channel
  • Discord will be used for feature matches, please join our server HERE.
  • If you are selected for a feature match you will recieve a private message on Discord with instructions on how to share your games. Please monitor Discord between rounds in case you are selected.
  • Watch this VIDEO to learn what is expected of you if you're selected for a feature match.


  • Please join our discord server HERE.
  • The discord channel can be used for event questions if you want a quick response.
  • Discord will be used for organizing feature matches. Joining our server is required to participate in the event.


  • Decklists must be uploaded by 11:50am(EDT) on June 28th, failure to do so will result in you being dropped from the tournament.
  • Decklists must be standard legal.
  • Submit you decklist via the "Player Controller" page.
  • All decklists will be public during the event.

Playing Your Matches

  • Please watch this VIDEO on how to use MTG Melee so you know what is required of you each round.
  • Players have 10 minutes to check-in and start their matches each round. If a player hasn't communicated to their opponent or to the TO after the 10 minutes is up they will forfeit the round. If that player has still not communicated with the TO after an additional 20 minutes they will be dropped from the event.
  • There will be no match resets due to connection issues/bugs/crashes. If you cannot complete your match because of a technical issue on your end the match will be awarded to your opponent. We want to be fair to all players and ensure the tournament moves along at a good pace.
  • Please take a screenshot after each win to avoid any disputes over match results.
Glitch /disorganizedwizardsclub OFFLINE

