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Kit purchasing closed on March 05

DreamHack, their partners, and Melee are thrilled to kick off another round of Regional Championship Qualifiers helping drive players back to in-store organized play!

The process for applying to run Regional Championship Qualifiers (RCQs) for this round will be almost identical as the previous round.

For WPN Stores new to the program, DreamHack has partnered with Melee to create a seamless system from applying to host Regional Championship Qualifiers all the way to submitting the winner’s information. Here’s a breakdown of what they journey will look like:

  1. Create an Organization on Melee
  2. Apply to host RCQs on Melee
  3. DreamHack approves the application
  4. Purchase Event Kits and may purchase Top 8 Pins on Melee
    1. DreamHack will then ship Event Kits to the address(es) you provided
    2. Wizards of the Coast will create a template for your tournament(s) in EventLink
  5. Schedule and run your RCQs on EventLink
    1. Collect winner(s) information including their full name and Wizards account email address
  6. Submit winner information on Melee
Click here for more details about the contents of Event Kits and Top 8 Pins Click here for Frequently Asked Questions
Things to know for returning WPN Stores:
  • You don’t need to apply and wait for approval
  • If you had multiple WPN Store locations for the previous round, you will automatically have the same number of allocations available for purchase as you previously did. Email DreamHack at if that number is incorrect

If you have any questions, you can contact DreamHack at or join their Discord server found here.