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Flights 2 RCQ - tournament brand image

Flights 2 RCQ

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: David Sheedy

Tournament Type: Tabletop

Free to Play | Open Registration | Format: Pioneer | Ended | 19 of 32 Enrolled Players

RCQ MTG Pioneer 15.00 fee Due at the door. Please have decklist uploaded AND a paper copy of it with you at time of entry. Doors at 11:00 am, First round promptly at 12:30

This is a primer meant to be both a guide and a means by which you can access important forms, such as your Deck Registration Sheet (that you will need to fill out before coming to the event!) *You are to complete this form with pen, (blue or black ink please).

Please make sure to do this so we don’t have to extend the day longer than absolutely necessary; we’ll be expecting a full house, after all, so if we all come ready to rock and roll, with decklists already filled out, that would make everything a lot easier!

In preparation for August 6th, please also be sure to familiarize yourself with: The Tournament Rules of Magic: The Gathering The Magic: The Gathering, Infraction Procedure Guide; Doing so will provide you with all of the knowledge necessary to perform at this Competitive Rules-Enforcement-Level Event effectively, honestly, and with as much clarity as possible.

NO PROXY CARDS ALLOWED. * Custom Altered, signed or otherwise "real" cards are fine.

We’ll cover any questions folks might have before we fire the event on the day-of." RCQ at Flights2 AUGUST 6th Doors open at 11 am. $15 fee

Prize support is supplied by DREAMHACK (and is some baller MTG cards!) Plus as always our "Krazy Dave's awesomesauce" raffles and random event swag.

The first round is scheduled to start 12:30 pm.


IF YOU HAVE COVID, OR ANY SYMPTOMS, PLEASE STAY HOME. Masks are not required at our shop, however, are available for anyone who would wish to wear one. All staff members are covid inoculated, and the shop runs a NASA-quality air scrubber in the AC unit and on our social gaming floor.

Please direct any particular questions to: Dave Sheedy (or our judge Chase when available) at the shop at (518) 435 9337 or direct email:

To unenroll after you must contact the organizer.

Pioneer format Competition regulation rules.

Please leave all extra bags, decks, cards, collections or binders OUTSIDE the building while actively playing in the tournament.

0 tollerence policy with regards to cheating in effect.

Judges decision is final.

Registration and deck checks begin at 11 am. First round scheduled to begin at 12:30

The organizer has agreed to pay out prizes in 1 days or less.

DREAMHACK prize support: lava spike (32 players), Nykthos: Shrine to Nyx (top 8), and Foil Nykthos (winner) Plus our shop intends to also add some swag and host a free raffle for some awesome participation prizes.

Flights 2 ganestore 518 435-9337

