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Hooglandia Open - Sponsored by & - tournament brand image

Hooglandia Open - Sponsored by &

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: Hooglandia

Tournament Type: MTG Arena

Entry Fee: $4.00 + $1.00 | Twitch Subscription Required | Format: Standard | Ended | 78 of 256 Enrolled Players

Sponsored By:

Cool Stuff Inc & Metafy & Coalesce Apparel & Untapped & Fatal Core

Event Details:

Registration Instructions & Requirements:

Registration closes on Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 10:30am CDT (unless the 256 player cap is reached first)

  • Register for the Hooglandia Open on MTGMelee
    • Subscribe to jeffhoogland on if you are not already a subscriber.
      • Verify that your subscription runs through at least Monday, November 15, 2021.
    • Remember that Arena client usernames are CaSE SenSITive.
    • For help using MTGMelee, click HERE
  • Join the Hooglandia Discord server if you are not already a member and visit the #joindiscordrole channel to add yourself to the OpenParticipant role for tournament updates.
    • Joining the Hooglandia Discord server is a REQUIREMENT to participate in this tournament.
    • Instructions for joining the Hooglandia Discord server can be found HERE.
  • Submit your decklist by Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 10:45am CDT. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE submitting your decklist as early as possible. We are not responsible for any technical difficulties with submitting your decklist and will NOT be available the day of the tournament to assist. You WILL BE DROPPED from the tournament if you do not have a decklist submitted by 10:45am CDT on Sunday, November 14, 2021.

Participant Responsibilities:

  • Players are required to share their Arena client window to Discord upon request using the “Go Live” feature (and are responsible for having hardware/internet capable of doing this) and failure to do so will result in being removed from the event regardless of record.
    • The Discord server has a few open voice channels where you can practice/test “Go Live” at anytime, to ensure you know how to use this feature.
  • The tournament organizers are not responsible for any technical difficulties you experience with your hardware, internet connection, or the Arena software.
  • Register for the event by Sunday, November 14, 2021 @ 10:30am CDT (NOTE: Registration will close early if the 256 player cap is reached)
  • Join the Hooglandia Discord server (we suggest joining ASAP because we may not be available to troubleshoot the day of or day prior to the event)
  • Submit your decklist on MTGMelee by Sunday, November 14, 2021 @ 10:45am CDT. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE submitting your decklist as early as possible. We are not responsible for any technical difficulties with submitting your decklist and will NOT be available the day of the tournament to assist. You WILL BE DROPPED from the tournament if you do not have a decklist submitted by 10:45am CDT on Sunday, November 14, 2021.
  • READ THE HOOGLANDIA OPEN ANNOUNCEMENTS CHANNEL IN THE HOOGLANDIA DISCORD SERVER. This channel is your source of information for the tournament. This tournament page may not be all-inclusive. Updates will be made using the Discord server. Please be sure you are following the conversation.
  • If you have any questions, use the #ask-the-to channel in the Hooglandia Discord server. You can ping @TournamentOrganizer for urgent questions.

Tournament Day Rules and Responsibilities:

  • Check-in to the MTGMelee tournament page by 10:45am CDT on Sunday, November 14, 2021. We strongly encourage checking-in ASAP. Check-in begins at 9:00am CDT on Sunday, November 14, 2021.
    • Round 1 of the tournament will begin promptly at 11:00am CDT.
    • If you are not checked-in for the tournament, you will be dropped from the event automatically.
  • Rounds will be subject to the Arena client in-game timer. Please begin each round promptly.
  • You must check-in to your match on MTGMelee each round.
  • Both players must confirm the match results on MTGMelee each round.
  • Wait to begin your match each round until the 3 feature matches are selected. Feature matches will be announced in the Hooglandia Open announcements Discord channel. If you are NOT a feature match, you may begin playing immediately after the feature matches are selected.
  • You may watch the live stream of the tournament while playing at, but are required to turn off the stream if you are a featured match.
  • Stay active in the Discord server. If we need to contact you during the tournament, this will be the platform for communication.

How-to Start a Tournament Match:

For this tournament you MUST USE the Standard Tournament Match feature. Follow these instructions in order:

  • Click the double-swords icon in the top-right corner of the Arena client.
  • Click the right-arrow to toggle to “Standard Tournament Match”
  • Type your Opponent’s Arena username into the Opponent box. Keep in mind that usernames are CaSe SenSITive.
  • Click the “+” picture and choose your deck. You are responsible for making sure you choose the deck you submitted to the MTGMelee site.
  • Click the “Play” button.

Feature Match Instructions:

Follow these instructions in order:

  • Join the Hooglandia Open I'M A FEATURE voice chat in the Hooglandia Discord server
    • The tournament organizer will then move you to a private Feature Match channel
  • Once you are in a private Feature Match channel, click the “Go Live” button and choose your Arena client to share.
  • The Tournament Organizer will make an announcement in the announcements channel when you may begin your match.

Hooglandia Discord Server:

  • The Hooglandia Open Series has a special category of Discord Channels in the section called: HooglandiaOpenSeries
  • All tournament participants should add themselves to the @OpenParticipant Discord role which we will use when making announcements to ping all participants instead of the 1200+ Discord server members. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE YOU ARE IN THIS ROLE. To view your roles, click on your name or profile picture. If you are not in the “OpenParticipant” role, visit the #joindiscordrole channel and type %rank OpenParticipant.
  • Channel Descriptions:
    • open-announcements: All announcements will be made here during and prior to the tournament. Only the Tournament Organizers (@jeffhoogland and @krilydactyl) have permissions to post in this channel.
    • ask-the-to: If you have a tournament rule question, you can ask here. Ping @TournamentOrganizer for assistance.
    • findopponent: You may use this channel to ping your opponent if you are having trouble connecting in the game client.
    • open-general: Miscellaneous chat about the tournament.
    • I'M A FEATURE: If you are a designated feature match (announced in the announcements channel at the start of each round), join this channel and the TO will move you to the appropriate private channel shortly.
    • Feature1a-4b: Private feature match channels. Users cannot join these directly.

The organizer has agreed to pay out prizes in 7 days or less.

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place: $120 CoolStuffInc store credit
  • 7 Match Wins: $100 CoolStuffInc store credit
  • 6 Match Wins: $80 CoolStuffInc store credit
  • 5 Match Wins: $60 CoolStuffInc store credit
  • 4 Match Wins: $40 CoolStuffInc store credit
  • 3 Match Wins: $20 CoolStuffInc store credit
  • Caster's "Cool Deck" Prizes: Given to two players with most creative decks that get at least 2 wins
Glitch /jeffhoogland LIVE


Archetype Breakdown

* Record includes mirror matches. Match Win Percentage (MW%) excludes mirror matches.
