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Gladiator League: Season 5, Week 1 - tournament brand image

Gladiator League: Season 5, Week 1

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: GladiatorMTGA

Tournament Type: MTG Arena

Free to Play | Open Registration | Format: Gladiator | Ended | 32 of 256 Enrolled Players

Event Information

  • The event is scheduled to begin 11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT / 19:00 BST on Saturday, February 12.
  • Please join the Discord as that will be where notifications will be made about this event.
  • Players will be required to check-in prior to the beginning of the tournament
  • There will be a player cap of 256
  • Five (5) rounds of Swiss (pending participation numbers)
  • The format will be Gladiator: Arena Singleton and played as Best of 3 matches.
  • Players are free to join at any time, you don't have to have played from week 1.

Season Details

  • We will be playing 12 weeks during season 5, with a championship weekend to follow.
  • The rankings sheet detailed below will be the determining factor on who qualifies for the season championship.
  • The season championship will be determined by players points accrued during only Season 5 labeled events.
  • We have no location restrictions for play or prizes, win 1st prize in the championship, we'll get that booster box to you. We got you 💖

Season Points

Points for this season are awarded as followed:

  • Match Wins: 3 points, each
  • High Finishes: 4-1, +1 point per MW. 5-0, +2 points per MW. (Subject to # of rounds)
  • Standings will take into account your best performing 9 weeks of the 12.

Current rankings for the season will be available soon


There are no geographic restrictions on participation. though some players may also be asked to (confidentially) provide mailing information for physical prizes (MTG singles, accessories, etc)

By entering, players consent that their decklists & arena/discord username (excluding additional #'s) may be used for content creation, such as written articles or prerecorded content.


After players have received their pairing, players must send their opponent a Direct Challenge on MTG Arena. The MTG Arena username of each player will be shown on, as well as under your "Current Pairing".

While Gladiator is a constructed format, since it follows a unique rule-set all Direct Challenges would be formatted as follows:

Limited Tournament Match Traditional Limited Cards Best of Three Coin Flip Timers On

Please ensure both you and your opponent are sending direct challenges with identical settings.

At the conclusion of your match, please take a screen shot of your match result. This helps with avoiding discrepancies in reporting, and acts as proof of your result. Please submit all match results in the player controller. Intentional draws are not allowed

Each round will be 60 minutes total (30 minutes per player, using the in-game Arena timer), with an additional 5 minute grace period for check-ins and challenging your opponent. If you have not checked in after 15 minutes and have not communicated with both your opponent and tournament staff, you will lose the current round and be dropped from the event

Gladiator Format Rules

  • Gladiator is a 100 card singleton format, meaning a required minimum deck size of 100 cards, with a maximum of 1 copy per card. Exceptions to the rule are Basic Lands, and cards featuring abilities allowing you to ignore the "one-of" rule. (Rat Colony, Seven Dwarves, etc)
  • Gladiator draws from the MTG Arena card pool. This includes Arena exlcusive cards (MTGA New Player Experience) and allows for certain cards that may be otherwise banned/suspended in sanctioned formats (Once Upon a Time, Burning-Tree Emissary, etc)
  • Gladiator does not use a sideboard, and does not require a Commander. As such, while cards with Companion are legal to include in your deck, they will not be available as a Companion.
  • Gladiator uses a banned list.

The banned list for the format is as follows:

As of April 27th, 2021

Oko, Thief of Crowns, Pre-Format Ban
Field of the Dead, July 16th 2020
Nexus of Fate, November 23rd 2020
Teferi, Time Raveler, November 23rd 2020
Natural Order, April 27 2021

Format Resources

For more information & resources, check out the following links:


Players are fully responsible for their internet & system stability.

Connection issue, MTG Arena bugs, and anything related to your game crashing/not functioning properly is the sole responsibility of the player and will not result in restarting the match.

Players should be aware of known issues in MTG Arena

Prize Information

Prizes listed below are not for this tournament but the season championship that this tournament series feeds. Please refer to the Description for further details.

Full prize details will be available closer to the end of the season - watch this space!

Contact & Communication

If you have any questions or concerns leading up to the tournament, please contact our team of tournament organizors either via the Gladiator Discord or by sending an email to

If you come across an issue at any point during the tournament, please contact our tournament organizers on Discord. Our team will look to resolve your issue as quickly as possible. In such instances, you may be required to provide screenshots as a form of confirmation.

Glitch /gladiatormtga OFFLINE

