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T-FPS: Legacy Invitational - tournament brand image

T-FPS: Legacy Invitational

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: West Coast Gamers

Tournament Type: Tabletop

Free to Play | Open Registration | Format: Legacy | Ended | 9 of 24 Enrolled Players

T-FPS: Legacy Invitational

This event will determine the overall Team Champion for Season 1 of our webcam Legacy events.

The champion will receive a unique Discord Role as well as being known as a Team Champion indefinably.

Although this event will be available to anyone - only those listed in the top 16 will be able to achieve the title of Season Champion (due to past events being accountable).

Prize support: TBC Event Entry Fee: £3.50 (Pay in link on the discord - none UK/EU players will have entry fee waivered as prize support is for a UK store)

The usual rules will apply and proxies will be allowed - please ensure these are printed proxies only.

Due to the nature of this event Deck lists WILL be required

*Proxies must be colour printed and easily identifiable to your opponent. Other MTG cards will not be permitted to be used as proxies (such as shocks for duals). Your entire play space must be seen over webcam. This includes your GY, exile zone, battlefield and library. Cuts must be offered after every shuffle.

09:45 Log in

10:00AM Round 1

Swiss into top 8 Cut.


