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Crew3 Discord Challenge #14 - Webcam Pioneer - tournament brand image

Crew3 Discord Challenge #14 - Webcam Pioneer

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: Crew3 Podcast

Tournament Type: Tabletop

Free to Play | Invite Only | Format: Pioneer | Ended | 13 of 32 Enrolled Players

Important Update In Regards To Proxies, Please See Rules Section for Defails

The Crew3 Championship is back up for grabs, and this time all limits are off. As always for challenge, we're bringing it back to discord for a webcam tournament. So dust off your favorite paper deck and leave it all on the table as you battle it out against other discord members to claim that coveted title of Crew3 Champion. If you think you have what it takes, head over to our discord and grab the code.

Link to the Discord:

To play in this event you will need to be a member of our discord. At the begining of each round you'll get your table assignment and head over to one of our virtual tables/voice channels, and using webcams play out the round with your opponent. Since this is on paper we'll be on a 55min round time to give ample time to play games and let everybody get connected. Number of rounds will be based on player count.

The Crew3 monthly webcam events have always been viewed as a low stakes monthly way for our community to play with their paper collections during the pandemic while we wait for the eventual roll out of Pioneer on Arena. Despite this intention it has become apparent that we erred in not considering the supply and economic issues faced at large by the current global crisis. Going forward we will be allowing a limited number of proxies as long as they fall under the following guide lines:

1)Players may have up to 12 cards proxied between their main deck and sideboard

2)If a player elects to use proxies they must either take the form of a colored printout make from a website such as mtgpress, or be neatly written out on one of the new Zendikar Rising Checklist Cards detailed with relevant text. Essentially please refrain from writing on card backs or using basic lands.

We hope that by adding these proxy rules more members of our community feel less disadvantaged than others due to reasons outside of their control, as these events are meant to be fun and open to all members of our community.

