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Todd Squad Pioneer Challenge - tournament brand image

Todd Squad Pioneer Challenge

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: Todd Squad

Tournament Type: MTG Online

Todd Squad Pioneer Special Banlist Tourney.

Free to Play | Invite Only | Format: Pioneer | Ended | 16 of 1000 Enrolled Players

The Todd Squad Pioneer Challenge will take place on Thursday April 9th with a Special banlist. Free to all Todd Squad members, To become a member of the Todd Squad please become a Sub to Todd Anderson at Format: Pioneer

We will be starting at 3pm ET with decklists due at 2pm ET.

The Banlist: All currently banned cards and the following list

  1. Dig Through Time
  2. Lotus Field
  3. Walking Ballista

Prizes: All of Top 8 will recieve Roll Todd Tshirt!!!

  • 1st : Will get the choice of a full Coaching Session going through a league with Todd himself or 20 Treasure Chests and Todd will play a deck of your choice.
  • 2nd : Will be recieving whatever the Winner doesn't choose.
  • 3rd and 4th : Todd will play a deck of your choice.

We will also be giving out a Promo Sacred Foundry on MTGO to whoever has the most awesome/unique deck of the tournament.

All players must submit their decklists and check in before 2:00pm ET Round 1 begins at 3:00pm ET.

Following rounds approximately 1 hour after one another, as matches complete. Top 8 following Swiss rounds. The number of Swiss rounds will be based on the size of the tournament, and will be announced after Round 1.

Player Details Everything happens in your "Player Controller" page.

Submit your decklist using the player controller page. Your decklist must be in ENGLISH. Decklists will be public at the start of the tournament. Pairings will be announced in the form of a notification, voice notification, SMS notification (if you activate it in your profile settings) and your player controller page will display your pairing in the "Current Pairing" section. You must click the green button to check in to your match. Your opponent's decklist will display in the bottom left corner. Challenge your opponent using the Magic online screen name displayed in their profile.

Match Procedure Please pay attention to all notifications sent through mtgmelee throughout the tournament.

Once a round is paired, you will have 10 minutes to check in and start your matches. Ten minutes after the round is paired, we will drop all players who have not communicated with their opponent or a tournament admin. Each player will have 25 minutes to complete their round. If a player's MTGO timer goes below 15:00, that player loses the match regardless of the game score. Please take a screenshot in the event that this happens. Players will be contacted an hour after the start of the round regarding the status of their match if the result is not yet reported. If there is no response within 10 minutes both will be dropped.

Challenging To challenge someone on Magic Online simply add them as a buddy and right click on their name. Be sure to set the correct format!

