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HBMO23 - Saturday cEDH - tournament brand image

HBMO23 - Saturday cEDH

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: Hunter Burton Memorial

Tournament Type: Tabletop

Entry Fee: $40.00 | Open Registration | Format: Commander | Ended | 20 of 63 Enrolled Players

To unenroll after you must contact the organizer.

The tournament will be run using the cEDH tournament rules developed by the Monarch cEDH community and organizers. You can view the full rules here.

Players will be paired into 4-player pods based on the pairing algorithm in the MSTR. The winner of each pod gets 4 match points. Each player in a drawn pod gets 1 match point. A number of paired rounds will be played according to the number of players. Following the paired rounds, a top cut will be performed and single-elimination rounds will be played. See the MSTR for details.

While we are not allowing playtest cards or proxies in this event, we have chosen to allow any authentic Wizards of the Coast printed version of a card to be played. This means normally non-tournament legal cards such as gold-bordered, 30th Anniversary edition, and any other Wizards promotional card are legal for play.

The organizer has agreed to pay out prizes immediately after the tournament has ended.

1000 Prize Tokens guaranteed prizes.

Example payout based on 40 players.
1st - 200, commemorative 2023 HBM Die
2nd-4th - 100
5th-10th - 50
All other players - 5 Tokens per match point.

You can redeem prize tokens at the Prize Wall for various prizes
3 = draft booster pack
4 = set booster pack
A variety of other prizes are available

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